Questions which really don’t help when playing Guess Who?
Do they have a longing for the past?
Do they have a sense of uneasiness?
Do they have that sort of twinkle in their eye that suggests an exciting adventure is ahead if you were to follow them?
Do they have an STI?
Do they invest in cryptocurrencies and endlessly talk about it over dinner?
Do they drive an automatic?
Do they give regularly to charity?
Do they dye their hair?
Do they have a sensible financial plan in place for retirement?
Do they subscribe to a polytheistic religion or faith?
Have they read any books by L Ron Hubbard?
Are they a red wine drinker?
Have they recently left a job under a cloud of mystery?
Did they have their first drug experience at Grantham Boys School on a wet autumn afternoon?
Do they smell bad?